Cpa marketing And Content Locking As A profitable Way To Earn Money OnLine | OnLine Home Work

Cpa marketing And Content Locking As A profitable Way To Earn Money OnLine

Befor we talk about content locking and what it is we have to talk and understand CPA Marketing ..

CPA Marketing and Content Locking Marketing
 what is this meaning and how it's working to make online income as a form of internet home work.. CPA Marketing one of the best ways for affiliates to monetize their sites. CPA refer to as Cost per action , and
 sometimes known as pay per action (PPA) and cost per conversion, is

an online advertising pricing model where the advertiser pays for each specified action - for example, an impression, click, form submit (e.g., contact request, newsletter sign up, registration etc.), double opt-in, single opt-in or sale.
Direct response advertisers consider CPA the optimal way to buy online advertising, as an advertiser only pays for the ad when the desired action has occurred. The desired action to be performed is determined by the advertiser.

CPA as "cost per acquisition"

CPA is sometimes referred to as "cost per acquisition", which has to do with the fact that many CPA offers by advertisers are about acquiring something (typically new customers by making sales).

PPC or CPC campaigns

Pay per click (PPC) and cost per click (CPC) are both forms of CPA (cost per action) with the action being a click. PPC is generally used to refer to paid search marketing such as Google's AdSense.

Cost per click on the other hand is generally used for everything else including, email marketing, display, contextual and more.

Also, pay per download (PPD) is another form of CPA, where the user completes an action to download a specified file.

Cost Per Action marketing is used often by affiliates.  Affiliates will pay for the Cost Per Action advertising and the company he works with will pay him a certain amount of money for each action of a visitor to his ad.  The action paid for will be worked out between the company and the affiliate.  This can be a great way for a company to generate leads because a visitor that is willing to sign up for more information could become a customer in the future.
That is almost all important about CPA Marketing at a simple understanding.. But what about a content locking?..

The Content Locking is one of CPA Marketing forms and a great option for monetizing your web and mobile content as it is very simple to setup given that you do not require a file or a website. Content Locking is something that you do in order to restrict access to a URL. When someone wants to access that URL they must interact with one of our web advertisements (or mobile CPI ads) in order to proceed. Doing so generates revenue for you.

Finding The Right Web or Mobile Content to Lock..

The first tool of content locking that affiliates use to monetize thier content is..  The Content Locker

What is a Content Locker?

The Content Locker is a tool which was invented by CPAlead, the parent company of, back in 2009. Essentially, the Content Locker is what we refer to as an overlay. This overlay can be inserted to any website on any given page.

What a Content Locker Does

By adding a Content Locker to your website or webpage, it causes the overlay to appear whenever someone attempts to visit your page. This visitor cannot proceed to access the content on your page without first interacting with the content locker. This is why we named it a content locker, because it locks access to content. In order to proceed forward, your visitor must successfully interact with an advertisement on the content locker. When this happens, you generate revenue and the visitor is able to proceed forward to their desired content.

How You and Your Website Visitors Benefit

The idea is a great one and serves as a pillar for our entire platform. In short, you’re letting your users take a minute or two of their time to interact with an advertisement instead of charging them a membership fee. The visitor gets a great deal since they are able to access your great content (be it an article, a video, music, photos or anything else) without ever having to spend a cent. It’s a win-win situation where everyone benefits.

How to Setup a Content Locker

The content locker can be setup by very simple way since there are  an easy setup wizard,that will guide you to create this tool quickly and easily..

URL Link Locking :
Let’s take an example of link locking to help you better understand. Let’s say that you find a very interesting video online that you think others would like to view. A great way of generating revenue online would be to take the URL that video and create a link locker for it. In order to be successful, you would also want to use our tools to create a page that goes along with your link locker which compliments the URL that you are locking. So let’s say that you’re locking access to a video about funny animals, you may want to include animal images on your page that you create with us. You would then want to promote your link by sharing it with others through social media, on a website, via a youtube video or any other way that allows you to reach out to people online. Your promotion to them could be something along the lines of “click here to see the funniest animals ever!” once they click, they will land on the link locker and be required to interact with one of our web advertisements or one of our mobile CPI ads which we place on our mobile lockers. After successfully completing an interaction with an ad, they would go forward to viewing your content.
Make Money from ANY Webpage..

Of course, you needn’t limit yourself to videos, you can lock links to music, photos, articles or anything that you think others would want access to. Perhaps one of the biggest advantages with link locking is that you can create new promotions quickly and easily while capturing things that are on trend and interesting to people around the world. For example, if something happens in the media and you find a unique video covering it then you may have an immediate opportunity to monetize the content and generate some revenue off of the public interest.

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Why Choose Link Locking?

Overall, Link Locking is a very powerful yet user friendly option for monetizing both web and mobile content. Visitors to your page take a short moment to interact with your advertisements and are able to access the exact content that they are looking for while you generate revenue.

File Locking is another form of content locking..

What is File Locking?

File Locking is, as the name suggests, is to lock access to a specific file. This specific file can be anything, a video, music, photos, an article detailing how to play a video game or cheat, a piece of software – whatever you believe may be enticing to a web visitor since the goal is to have them interact with one our ads / offers to gain access to said file as this process will generate revenue for you. The image below is a File Locker.

Why Choose File Locking?

File Locking is an extremely effective way of generating revenue online since it provides visitors with a great deal of value. In today’s online environment, people are reluctant to pay for online content as they feel it can or should be obtainable without having to perform a monetary transaction. However, File Locking does not require a payment for the premium content that is locked. Rather, you are only asking that the visitor take a brief moment to interact with an offer in order to access the content that they desire. In short, File Locking provides a fantastic value equation to web surfers.
What is a Content Locker?

An another form of conent locking is Mobile Content Locking;

What is Mobile Content Locking?

Mobile traffic is the fastest growing category in the online world and represents and extremely lucrative option for online marketers. affiliates that use this type of marketing have the most powerful ad technologically advanced mobile tools at their disposal. this tools allows them to monetize their content through the use of ads that are referred to as mobile CPI. CPI stands for cost per install.

Creating a Mobile Content Locker

Setting up  mobile locker is very simple to do. However,  at the mobile optimized lockers, or what we refer to as a mobile app wall, automatically created for each and every single file or link locker in it's system and does not require any action on your end.  making you generating good incomes form mobile markets..

Finally.. Monetizing Your Exit Traffic :

What is the Exit Traffic Tool?

The Exit Traffic Tool is another great tool offering by ContentLocking and it is automatically applied to all or your file and link lockers. The way that it works is as follows: When someone decides to leave your page instead of interacting with your offers , that represents potential revenue that is on its way out.

Why use it?

, this tool is useful where Instead of seeing that individuals walk away upon exit, they are prompted to stay on the page and presented with some great offers which range from coupons, to discount purchases or even an invitation to participate in a sweepstakes where they can win a prize. If they are willing to take a look, we generate an entirely new page with these promotions and offers. Should the visitor interact with any of them, you will once again earn revenue. This is a great feature as it allows you to capture revenue that otherwise would have been lost. We call it our Exit Traffic Tool.

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The Exit Traffic Tool is automatically applied to all content lockers on You can also use the tool by itself on your website.

If you choose to try out this great field of online money making with CAP Marketing networks and Content Locking.. then i recommend you CPALerad network that accept the begianners.. Good Luck for all..